Dan Abel wrote:
>My dictionary says that "chop" means that it has a bone. >But what
would you call these, then?
>Boneless pork chop conveys exactly what it is.
Nope... "Boneless Pork Chop" defines *nothing*, except that either the
butcher is a pinhead or the butcher thinks the consumers are pinheads,
the latter is most often the truth. Pork chops can be loin chops but
can also be shoulder chops. What Sheryl has there is most likely
"boneless pork loin medalions", not chops... in fact we're not quite
sure from which section of the loin, although they're usually from the
center cut (the bones are then stripped cleanly of all remaining meat
and fat, which is added to the pork sausage mix - no waste - and this
technique actually nets the meat purveyer more profit). If at a
restaurant you ordered the "Lamb Chops Special" and were served chunks
of boneless mystery meat you'd be the first to scream WTF! The bone
not only defines it's a chop but also which cut. Btw, by convention
there are no beef chops... those are called rib steaks or chuck
steaks... a boneless rib steak would be labeled "Ribeye Steak"... a
boneless chuck steak is chuck filet, sometimes called a California
Steak, don't laugh, it's not CA's answer to NY Steak. California Steak
is really great grilled. You really ought to learn your meat cuts, or
stick to tube steak.