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Sheryl Rosen
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Default Why SOOO many commercials on Foodtv

in article , Frogleg at
wrote on 1/2/04 9:43 AM:

> The endless repetition also gets to me (not, I think, in the way
> advertisers plan). I mean, you hear/see the *same* ad 50 times a day,
> day after day, even with 3 hrs of TV. Targetting seems odd, too.
> Every year I hear about award-winning beer spots that I *never* see
> because I don't watch any sports. But I *do* drink beer.

This is something I know about, since that's my job....I buy time on tv for
commercials. The vast majority of beer drinkers, and HEAVY drinkers, watch
sports. The heaviest drinkers are 21-34 year old men. They are also the
likeliest to change brands based on a commercial. By the time a person
reaches 40 years old, they are most likely loyal to their brand, choose it
by taste and are not going to be swayed by scantily clad, heavily implanted
models, and have also curtailed their drinking to the level of "occasional
drinking", not heavy drinking. Frankly, the bulk of the money spent on
beer is by this younger, sports watching demographic. The rest of us don't
really matter. A mature adult, one who thinks, rather than reacts, will
choose their brand of beer by how it tastes. The cleverest commercial in the
world wouldn't get me to drink Coors, because to me, Coors is ****-water.
I'm also a 40 year old woman, definitely NOT being targeted by beer ads.

As for repetition, we realize there is a threshold where frequency is
counterproductive. We just don't always know where that is, since it's
different for every product. And the reason you often see the same spot
ad-nauseum, more so on cable tv than elsewhere, is that they get cheap
rates, over-buy and figure some will get bumped in favor of people paying
more. Supply and demand. But it doesn't always work that way. And if the
station isn't sold out, they will run "bonus" spots for their preferred
clients. Especially with Direct Response commercials....those that sell a
product or service via a phone number or website....often these are sold at
rock bottom rates, and will only run in spurts. They merely have to hit a
"minimum" that is set between the buyer and the tv station, usually in a
month. Because these are most effective in spurts, they typically run them
all in a span of a few days. You see the same ad for a greatest hits cd by
some artist, by the 3rd time, you're humming along, by the 4 or 5th time you
see the commercial, you're dialing that toll free number and getting out
your credit card! That's what we hope, anyway!

Thus concludeth our lesson in tv media buying for today.