In article > , Dog3 > wrote:
(Phred) wrote in
>> In article >, Sheryl Rosen
>> > wrote:
>>>Please help!
>>>I have center cut boneless pork chops in the freezer that I want to
>>>make over the weekend. (Yeah, I know, technically chops have a bone,
>>>if they are boneless they are steaks, whatever..."pork steaks" just
>>>sounds dumb to me).
>> Well, if they're boneless they may not be *really* good for this
>> application -- but, being frozen, I guess they could be acceptable:
>> A woman in the small southwest town of Roma in Queensland [Australia]
>> has been charged with assault with a pork chop.
>> Seems a bloke was helping his son and son's mate move camp after
>> they'd been evicted from their rental accommodation and a dispute
>> arose because one family owned the fridge and the other had paid
>> for the contents of it (well the frozen pork chop at least).
>> The poor bloke was brained with a frozen pork chop and required
>> several stitches. A woman has been charged with "Bodily harm".
>> It is believed that the weapon has been removed from the scene, and
>> probably eaten. [ABC Regional Radio News, noon, 12 Feb 2005.]
>> ObRecipe:
>> By coincidence I had a pork chop for tea tonight. (Don't look at me
>> like that -- I'm more 1000 miles from Roma. :-)
>> Actually, this is not a "recipe", more a "construction" or
>> "compilation". The original idea was grilled/fried chop with
>> onion/garlic/ginger and spuds and carrots for vegies. But it ended
>> up like this:
>> 1. Marinated chop with soy sauce and ground ginger for about 1.5
>> glasses of a nice red and a phone call.
>> 2. Started out to boil spuds/carrots, but then noticed I had several
>> bananas approaching over-ripe (a major problem with buying bananas
>> more than one at a time
so decided on using one as the
>> carbohydrate source, cooked with the chop. So then "julianned" the
>> two pretty large carrots (to try my new Zyliss slicer gizmo) and
>> zapped them in the microwave (two minutes wasn't quite enough and four
>> proved to be a whisker over what I was aiming for).
>> 3. Drizzled some oil over the chop rind (pre-cut into about 20 mm
>> sections through the skin, but not into the meat) then sprinkled some
>> salt on it (the rind only) fairly liberally.
>> 4. Started the onion slices frying, then added the chop to the pan,
>> making sure the rind was sort of tucked under as much as possible so
>> the whole width of it was in contact with the bottom of the hot pan.
>> 5. Tossed the onion rings about until it looked like the chop was
>> pretty well cooked on one side (juices oozing out on top); then turned
>> the chop (not quite so fussy with the rind this time) and added finely
>> chopped garlic and ginger to the pan mixed through the onions. (Had
>> intended to use fresh ginger, but if it's still in the fridge I
>> couldn't find it. Luckily, I noticed I still had a jar of 30-month
>> old ginger "pickled" in sherry in the fridge, so chopped up a lump of
>> that -- not too bad either, certainly still with plenty of bite.)
>> Also added the banana about this time (halved longitudinally) to fry
>> it for awhile. Continued cooking until fairly clear juices emerging
>> from the top of the chop.
>> 6. Mixed a bit of corn flour into the leftover marinade ("extended" a
>> bit with water) then stirred this through the onion brew *after*
>> removing the cooked chop and banana, and continued cooking until the
>> "gravy" thickened nicely.
>> 7. Poured the onion gravy over the chop; added a sprinkle of nutmeg to
>> the cooked carrots and added them to the plate alongside the chop.
>> 8. By then had finished the second glass of red, so poured another and
>> sat down to eat.
>> Result wasn't bad either. The rind was nice and crisp as intended,
>> and the chop was "just right".
>> Cheers, Phred.
>Sounds good LOL... What was the after dinner drink and dessert?
Fried a slice of rather mature fruit cake in some butter to warm it
through and get it a bit crisp on the outside, and ate that with
custard and some diced fresh pawpaw [papaya].
Toyed with the idea of a good port with coffee, but decided I'd
probably had enough EtOH to meet daily requirements (and the fruit
cake had been well fed with rum over a period of time anyway -- only
as a presevative of course ;-).
>Did you need an EMT squad to carry you to bed?
Nah. The bed knows where I am.
Cheers, Phred.