"Bob" > wrote in message
>I just came down with some kind of nasty bug: I've got chills, a badly
>aching neck, and buzzing in my ears. (I'm so chilly my hands are shaking,
>so it's taking FOREVER to type this!) There's no way in the world I'll be
>over this by Monday.
> I didn't have elaborate plans for Valentine's Day; my girlfriend and I
> were going to visit the first restaurant we ever visited together (we had
> sushi), but those plans are out the window.
> Maybe she'll bring me chicken soup. And cradle me in her bosom (hey, if
> I'm going to be optimistic, I might as well be optimistic in a BIG way!)
> Bob
It took me 3 days to get over the buzzing in the ears part. My head felt
like it was going to burst. The chills lasted a couple of days longer. Go
to bed.