On 13 Feb 2005 08:39:03 -0600, "Bob" >
>I just came down with some kind of nasty bug: I've got chills, a badly
>aching neck, and buzzing in my ears. (I'm so chilly my hands are shaking,
>so it's taking FOREVER to type this!) There's no way in the world I'll be
>over this by Monday.
Sorry to hear it, Bob. D came down with it Tuesday. It was worst
Thursday night. I took her to the doctor Friday and she got some meds
which seem to have helped. She was able to do the dishes last night,
for example. She may be able to work tomorrow, but that's still iffy.
>I didn't have elaborate plans for Valentine's Day; my girlfriend and I were
>going to visit the first restaurant we ever visited together (we had sushi),
>but those plans are out the window.
If you have what D got, you'll be laid up for some days. She had a
flu shot this fall, by the way. The NY Times reported yesterday that
next year's vaccine will protect against a new strain dubbed
California flu which represents about 20% of this year's cases.
That's my D: Smack-dab in the influenza vanguard.
>Maybe she'll bring me chicken soup. And cradle me in her bosom (hey, if I'm
>going to be optimistic, I might as well be optimistic in a BIG way!)
Big bosom way!
One sign that D was on the mend last night was her suggestion that I
make eggs for dinner. She was absolutely uninterested in food most of
the week, but last night she asked me to do something with frozen
chopped spinach, organic eggs (our egg lady's hens have begun laying
again), caramelized onions, etc.
I did the onion, tossed in some chopped mushrooms and garlic, and
added the spinach. Cooked it in a skillet for a while, added some
salt, a dash of cayenne and a dash of nutmeg. Then I dolloped in a
little yogurt. When that was all mixed in, I made hollows in the
spinach mix with a ladle and set the (shelled) eggs in. Four of them.
I sprinkled on some grated locatelli cheese and baked it all in a
medium oven.
Pretty good, but I cooked it a little too long and the yolks got hard.
Next time less time in the oven and a higher temperature, I think.
Now I'm doomed to the flu, of course. Hope you get well soon.
Only superficial people don't judge by appearances.
-- Oscar Wilde