Yay, we'll be alone for Valentines!
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Sheryl Rosen
Posts: n/a
kilikini at
wrote on 2/13/05 10:08 AM:
> So, now I have to think about something romantic and special to make for
> tomorrow. We're on a low carb diet that it's basically NO carb. (Yes,
> we're taking supplements.) Whatever I decide has to be cheap (we're
> severely budgetally challenged), low carb, yet elegant and romantic. And
> whatever I decide to get, he has to take me to the store because I don't
> have a vehicle and he's the only one in our house with an income.
> Also, unfortunately, we don't even have a dinner or dining room table; all
> we do is sit on the couch with a plate on our lap.
> Anyone have any good ideas on something to serve and how to serve it to make
> it simple, yet give it some sort of ambience? I need help!
How about a picnic in the living room?
Spread out a pretty blanket...put candles in the middle (jarred candles, for
safety, rather than candlesticks). For dinner, room-temp roasted chicken
(Heck, fried chicken works on Atkins/South Beach, right?), as assortment of
cheeses....bite size, of course. Pepperoni, summer sausage...bite size, of
course! Can you have wine? You can get something drinakable for about
$4-5. Carrots and celery with some sort of sour cream dip, if veggies are
allowed. Think antipasto/finger foods.... little bites of things you
nibble on between nibbling on each other.... :-)
Have fun!
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