"Dog3" > wrote in message
> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart hlink.net> wrote in
> news
>> Dog3 wrote:
>>> "Bud" > wrote in
>> news:ydePd.37972$Yu.4725@fed1read01:
>>> >
>>> > Made tuna salad as follows.
>>> >
>>> > Tuna - Star-Kist - solid white - canned - 6 oz.
>>> > Mayo - 2 heaping tablespoons.
>>> > Sweet pickles - 6 medium size - chopped..
>>> > Onion - 1/3 medium size - chopped.
>>> > Celery - 1 1/2 medium stalks - chopped.
>>> > Olives - 20 large - chopped.
>>> > Eggs - 2 large - chopped.
>>> > Pepper - 1/8 teaspoon.
>>> >
>>> > All were good quality brand name items.
>>> >
>>> > Refrigerated, after consuming about half of it. No problem with
>>> > refrigerator. Within approximately 19 hours it had a terrible
>>> > taste, as though at least a full tablespoon of salt had been added.
>>> > Has anyone
>> ever
>>> > heard of such a thing?
>>> >
>>> > Bud (in Oceanside, Ca.)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> I'm going with the general concensus here, especiall with the olives.
>>> On a salt restricted diet, olives are on the *bad* list, being full
>>> of sodium. And you put 20 of them in with 1 can of tuna.
>> GAWD - 20! A couple would be enough...
> I think the sit time allowed the salt to draw from the olives and pickles.
> IMO if eaten right away, the salt taste would not have been so strong.
> With
> the 20 olives, what he made was olive salad with tuna. Not a bad thought
> or
> recipe to experiment with. Olive and tuna spread... hmmmm...
Actually, if you remove ALL his ingredients except olives and a can of the
more solid tuna (or fresh tuna), you're on your way to a putanesca sort of
thing, usually made with chicken. Out of mayo land, and off to the land of
fresh tomatoes, garlic, basil.....mmmm mmmm!