Tony Lew saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told us all
about it on 2 Jan 2004 14:10:05 -0800:
(Melissa Houle) wrote in message . com>...
>> (Tony Lew) wrote in message SNIP
>> Eerie, Tony. I'm beginning to wonder if they could be related. <G> My
>> dad can turn a wonderful recipe into an over-spiced blotch on the
>> plate, with the seasonings all out of whack.
>Maybe they ARE related! She once made cinammon biscotti.
>She QUADRUPLED the amount of cinammon because she "likes" cinammon.
>You can imagine the results...
Yes! Delicious! You can never have too much cinnamon... (ever try
Dutch Cinnamon Candy? It's hot but gorgeous...)
~Karen AKA Kajikit
Nobody outstubborns a cat...
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