John Bonnett wrote:
> "kilikini" > wrote in message
> ...
> -----snippage-----
>> Also, unfortunately, we don't even have a dinner or dining room
>> table; all we do is sit on the couch with a plate on our lap.
> Nothing wrong there, Beckster and I rarely use the dining room table,
> what with it being a combination auxillary closet and junk drawer
> rolled into one.
> The couch is where its at ! The big coffee table has definately had
> more calories consumed off / spilled on it than the table ever has.
>> Anyone have any good ideas on something to serve and how to serve it
>> to make it simple, yet give it some sort of ambience? I need help!
>> We like pork, beef, chicken, fish, shellfish (but that's pricey) and
>> just about any and all veggies (except hot peppers or spicy food for
>> me). I'm tired of panfried and all we do other than that is bake or
>> Q. I'm looking for something unique. Any ideas?
> Head for the produce department and score a bag of stir-fry veggies,
> whatever
> kind you like. I tend to get the broccoli/cauliflower mix plus some
> cabbage strips. BUT, don't stir-fry, steam them instead. Serve with
> grilled chicken strips
> marinated in Teriyaki sauce. Less than ten bucks, and you can't beat
> the taste.
> And, no carbs (although personally, I can't live without my pasta)
>> TIA,
>> kili
> John (Mac ' cheese cassarole today WITH broccoli and ham)
He does love his stir-fry...............