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Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> kilikini at wrote on 2/13/05 10:08 AM:
>> So, now I have to think about something romantic and special to make
>> for tomorrow. We're on a low carb diet that it's basically NO carb.
>> (Yes, we're taking supplements.) Whatever I decide has to be cheap
>> (we're severely budgetally challenged), low carb, yet elegant and
>> romantic. And whatever I decide to get, he has to take me to the
>> store because I don't have a vehicle and he's the only one in our
>> house with an income.
>> Also, unfortunately, we don't even have a dinner or dining room
>> table; all we do is sit on the couch with a plate on our lap.
>> Anyone have any good ideas on something to serve and how to serve it
>> to make it simple, yet give it some sort of ambience? I need help!

> How about a picnic in the living room?
> Spread out a pretty blanket...put candles in the middle (jarred
> candles, for safety, rather than candlesticks). For dinner, room-temp
> roasted chicken (Heck, fried chicken works on Atkins/South Beach,
> right?), as assortment of cheeses....bite size, of course. Pepperoni,
> summer sausage...bite size, of course! Can you have wine? You can
> get something drinakable for about $4-5. Carrots and celery with
> some sort of sour cream dip, if veggies are allowed. Think
> antipasto/finger foods.... little bites of things you nibble on
> between nibbling on each other.... :-)
> Have fun!

I was kinda thinking about a picnic in the living room. I sorta brought it
up to him today (like I said, he's got to take me to the store, blah blah
blah), but he's all, what about the kittens? We have two 6 month old
kittens. I have NO objection to locking them up for the evening if it means
a romantic occasion!

Wine, beer, whiskey is all allowed. :~) Those are the few carbs we partake
of. (oh hush, Damsel, Jill, Alan B., Pam, Ariane, Karen, etc.)

We just did sausage, cheese, olives last night for dinner (see for pix) but we could do a do-over.
