In > Sue J T wrote:
> A few years ago there was a scare about using certain types of "cling
> film" in the microwave.
> It seems that the cling film was releasing dangerous chemicals into
> foods which it was in contact with. In particular it seems that
> fatty foods were worst affected.
> In response to this, other types of safer cling film were sold. Many
> of the safer types seemed to have less stretch in them.
> Now I am surprised to see that some 'stretchy' cling film is sold for
> use in microwaves but not to be in contact with fatty foods.
> How dangerous would it be if I did in fact cook fatty foods in the
> microwave with such cling film and let the cling film touch the fatty
> food?
> Is there any domestic cling film at all which is recognised as
> effectively being safe when used in the microwave and touching fatty
> foods?
I can't answer that question, but what I use in the microwave always is
wax paper. The stuff seems to have been made for the microwave oven
years before they were invented...invisible paper they should have
called it.
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