Xtile wrote:
> marengo wrote:
> >
> > <hiss sputter hiss hiss>
> >
> >
> <hiss hiss>
Sorry you feel that way.
You will be in my prayers, dear neighbor, whom I love, in Lord Christ's
holy name.
May you accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior, someday, so that
you too will have eternal life and the unimaginable riches of His
infinite kingdom.
Here's how:
Please note that God truly made this special link describing that He is
the great "I am" and that His message is as simple as the number 2
which is a number between 1 to 9 and reminds us of His 2 commandments,
the 2 arms of the cross, the 2nd part of the Trinity, the 2 finger sign
of the Prince of Peace [who remains *V*ictorious over death and satan],
and the 2PD Approach. Let it not ever be written that Christ did not
make His presence known here on Usenet :-)
Also, note that Exodus 16:16 reminds us that 16 oz plus 16 oz makes 2
pounds, which is "a certain measure of weight," which is what "omer"
literally means in Hebrew.
Enter the 2PD-OMER Approach:
At His service,
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-Certified Cardiologist
Suggested Reading: