> wrote in message
> In the article linked below (good read, too) they mention a new adapter
> for western gas ranges which allows a wok to rest closer to the flames.
> i assume it is a substitute pot grate which is shaped to support a
> round bottomed wok. does anyone know anything about this product, and
> if it can be purchased online?
> http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/09/dining/09wok.html?
The link requires a user login. Unless it is referring to something newm it
could be referring to a wok ring (flared circular ring with vent-holes).
They used to be much more common than they seem to be lately. Not only do
they make the round bottom stable, they also reduce heat dissipation. I
believe there was something about flipping them to reverse the flare if you
use an electric burner.