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In article >, wrote:
>On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 23:20:02 GMT, Graphic Queen
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:39:47 -0600, Damsel in dis Dress
>> > wrote:
>> (Phred), if that's their real name, wrote:
>> >
>> >>Fried a slice of rather mature fruit cake in some butter to warm it
>> >>through and get it a bit crisp on the outside, and ate that with
>> >>custard and some diced fresh pawpaw [papaya].
>> >
>> >I've never had papaya, but the rest of that has me drooling into my
>> >keyboard. Thankfully, I am without fruitcake. Whew!

>> Except that a Pawpaw fruit is not the same thing as Papaya. Totally
>> different fruits.

>As a kid, I lived "just up the road" from Paw Paw Michigan,
>but I can truthfully say I've never seen a paw paw in my life!
>paw paw:

That's your yankee "pawpaw".

>Just for the record, I don't like papayas (even with a
>squirt of lime).

You've never had a good one. The ones served up in your average
restaurant are YUCK. I refer to them as the "motel type". I think
the idea is to stop people ordering them for breakfast so they don't
really have to buy many in, even though they're on the menu.

> I prefer mangos.

Well I'm not going to argue about the desirability of mangoes
(especially the Bowen variety, more formally Kensington Pride).
However, as I mentioned somewhere else around here recently, my
backyard mango crop is finished for the year, and even most of the
later maturing types around the district are pretty well finished now
too. (Not that they're really missed - most are pretty yuckish.)


Aussie pawpaw -- though you'd never recognize the leaves from that
sketch! I'm getting a bit of fruit set at last, but it's been a
battle -- I suspect I've been too mean with the fertiliser.


Cheers, Phred.
