Dog3 wrote:
> I am going to try some of these suggestions next time. How does everyone do
> their egg salad? I do not make it often and do not have a down pat recipe.
> I'll remove the yolks and do a large dice on them, same with the whites,
> gently mix together. Then I'll add mayo, small dice of celery, miniscule
> dice of onion and a small pinch of cayenne pepper. Stick in fridge for an
> hour and then eat all of it. How does everyone else make their egg salad?
> Michael
I hate to say this, but after years of fiddling around with egg
salad recipes, I have gone back to the basics (after tasting it
that way when I made it for my daughter): eggs, mayo (was
Hellman's, dunno what I'm going to use now), salt, and (for me)
freshly ground black pepper. Maybe with lettuce. And there
should be barely more mayo than is necessary to get the mixture to
stick together. I hate egg salad that is gloppy with too much
Jean B.