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Dave W. wrote:
> So I'm tossing together something for dinner tonight. (My wife says
> cause it is Valentines, I gotta do something to make her happy ...
> shut up, Sheldon!)
> So I've got a couple of lamb shanks and I was going to serve them on
> rice with either leeks or mushrooms and then I thought maybe I could
> put both leeks and mushrooms on or in the rice and then I thought
> maybe leeks and mushrooms are a strange combination.
> Do you think leeks and mushrooms would be good together? Your
> reaction?
> Regards,
> Dave W.

Why not if you like leeks and mushrooms? Saute the lamb shanks in oil with
a little onion and garlic thrown in towards the end of browning. Deglaze
the pan with wine (your choice, white or light red, not heavy like port) and
some chicken or vegetable broth. Toss in the leeks (well washed and
chopped) and add sliced shrooms at the end. Season to taste with salt &
pepper. Lift out the shanks and veggies with a slotted spoon and thicken
the sauce with a bit of a cornstarch slurry.
