In article > ,
Dog3 > wrote:
> "carbuff" > wrote in
> news:Yq7Qd.389959$6l.73882@pd7tw2no:
> >
> > "Dog3" > wrote in message
> >>
> >> Sounds like me and White Castle burgers.
> >
> >
> > Woo Hoo, I'm not the only one!!! Every time I go to Minneapolis, I
> > have at least one breakfast consisting of half a dozen WC burgers. My
> > SO thinks I'm insane.
> Once bitten by the WC bug, one *must* have them at least once a year. I
> don't have the guts to eat them more than one time a year. I used to eat
> them when I had a terrible hangover. Oh, I also had a chili dog now and
> then with all the extras plus kraut.
> Michael
Lucky for me there are no WCs in northwest Arkansas. But when I go east
(Chicago area, Cincinnati, Nashville ... wherever they sell them), I've
got to have one. Did I say one? I've got to have a half dozen or more.
This I can do only when the wife is NOT traveling along ... she'd kill
me if she saw me eating one. I'd rather let the White Castles do the job.
Can I get extra onions with those?
Dave W.
Living in the Ozarks
For email, edu will do.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell, (1903-1950)