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Rick & Cyndi
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"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> biig >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>> It wasn't very good....seemed too bland? I used pork sirloin steaks
>>and the meat was pretty much tastless....I don't know if using cream of
>>celery soup was the problem...but I put in cooked sliced onion and 3
>>chopped cloves of garlic....must have been the meat.....Sharon

> I'm sorry it didn't work out for you.
> We didn't get around to making ours last night. I'd make it tonight and
> report back. It's been nearly a decade. Maybe it's not as good as I had
> remembered.
> I feel really bad that you wound up wasting food because of my
> recommendation.
> Carol
> ===========

Hi ya Dams & Crash!!

I've got a great recipe for the pork chops!

Sprinkle them with Penzeys "Northwoods" seasoning and some "Everglades
Heat" - then toss them in the Rotisserie! Woo-hoo!

The other one is to marinate them in the following marinade and then bake or

Meat Marinade

For various types of meat :

1/2 c Teriyaki Sauce
1/4 c Honey
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 TBSP Garlic, minced or powdered
1 tsp Black Pepper
1/3 tsp Cinnamon
Cloves, pinch of
1 tsp Tea Leaves, optional
Worcestershire Sauce, splash of

Mix all together.