Mike Dickinson wrote:
> Here in the UK SPAM is regarded as, well, nearly a joke by most
> people... I still love it though, and will be trying the recipe as
> soon as I can. My experience of Hawaiian cuisine (being mainly ham
> and pineapple pizzas) is that the unlikeliest of ingredients are
> combined to genius effect, so I'm looking forward to this one!
It's pretty much a joke here too.
I have a friend who is a university professor. A few years ago he was on
sabbatical and went with his wife to Thailand to do some research. On the way
over they met and befriended a Thai women who was married to an American soldier
stationed there. They were happy to accept an invitation to dinner. They thought
they were in for a real treat, a real home made Thai dinner. They were served
Spam. The woman's GI husband loved it and she thought they would too.