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On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 00:53:59 +0000 (UTC), Mike Dickinson wrote:

> Here in the UK SPAM is regarded as, well, nearly a joke by most
> people...

Back when I was in the USAF a guy I worked with deployed to Incerlick AB,
Turkey, in support of Operation Provide Comfort. He told the story of how,
when he first got there, he discovered that the Brits were running a few
pubs in some of the tents. He went to one and had a grand ol' time with
his new-found international friends. He didn't remember how he made it
back to his own tent...

The next day he reports to work severely hung-over (okay, he was probably
still drunk). Every time his co-workers looked at him they just laughed.
It took him most of the morning to discover why, and that only happened
when someone showed him to a mirror.

Sometime during the night his Brit friends had stamped his forehead with
the word "Spam" that had a circle around it and a slash through it - i.e.
"No Spam". WWII had ended 40+ years prior and you Brits *still* hadn't
forgiven us for giving you Spam. <g>


-Jeff B.
zoomie at fastmail dot fm