On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:26:34 GMT,
(Phred) wrote:
> >Just for the record, I don't like papayas (even with a
> >squirt of lime).
> You've never had a good one. The ones served up in your average
> restaurant are YUCK. I refer to them as the "motel type". I think
> the idea is to stop people ordering them for breakfast so they don't
> really have to buy many in, even though they're on the menu.
Phred... I've eaten papaya in many places. I live in San
Francisco, which has a healthy hispanic population and lots
of green markets that cater to them - plus I can tell a
green papaya from a ripe one. I've bought papyas from local
"green" markets, I've also eaten it in Mexico, the Carribean
and on cruise ships. Yes, I've tried it more than once in
geographically different places and and I still DON'T LIKE
IT. Do I have to scream YUCK? For some people, it's
beets... for me, it's papaya.