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In article >, wrote:
>On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:26:34 GMT,

>(Phred) wrote:
>> >Just for the record, I don't like papayas (even with a
>> >squirt of lime).

>> You've never had a good one. The ones served up in your average
>> restaurant are YUCK. I refer to them as the "motel type". I think
>> the idea is to stop people ordering them for breakfast so they don't
>> really have to buy many in, even though they're on the menu.

>Phred... I've eaten papaya in many places. I live in San
>Francisco, which has a healthy hispanic population and lots
>of green markets that cater to them - plus I can tell a
>green papaya from a ripe one. I've bought papyas from local
>"green" markets, I've also eaten it in Mexico, the Carribean
>and on cruise ships. Yes, I've tried it more than once in
>geographically different places and and I still DON'T LIKE
>IT. Do I have to scream YUCK? For some people, it's
>beets... for me, it's papaya.

Sorry to hear about your handicap, mate. Anyone who can't enjoy at
least a good red-fleshed pawpaw has my sympathy. In this modern PC era
I guess we'll have to say you're "Carica challenged". Bad luck. :-(

Cheers, Phred.
