Craig Welch wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>>> Okey doke, thanks. If you had said in a can I would have avered
>>>>>> (is that a word?) that it wasn't ketchup. I still wonder what
>>>>>> tomato sauce is called, there.
>>>>> Tomato sauce.
>>>> So, tomato sauce and ketchup are called the same thing?
>>> More or less. But the products sold as ketchup are *slightly*
>>> different to those sold as tomato sauce. Different amount of sugar,
>>> for example.
>>>> Do you have tomato sauce?
>>> Yes, it's sold as 'tomato sauce', a ketchup-like product.
>> Ketchup has vinegar. Tomato sauce has herbs.
> Tomato sauce has vinegar. I just checked a bottle, and the
> ingredients a tomatoes, sugar, salt, vinegar, spices.
I just got out the ketchup and it says: "tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt,
spice extracts"
> I trust you're not doing a Sheldon and saying that because our
> tomato sauce isn't the same as your tomato sauce it's not tomato
> sauce?