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Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a

Steve Kramer wrote:
> sf wrote:
>>On 14 Feb 2005 19:57:44 -0800, "nancree" >
>>> I like Steve Kramer's posts. They are veery interesting and full of
>>> good information. (unlike "gthe****" , who is only abusive and adds
>>> nothing.)
>>> Nancree

>>I rarely see Steve Kramer's posts (still love ya Steve!) on
>>rfc anymore.... but his detractors flood us with their
>>bilious spam. I don't know or care what burr they have
>>under their saddles. However I DO think they are stupid,
>>childish and petty.

> Thanks, guys. I'm still here, but if I post ANYTHING on any subject it
> sets these guys into a feeding frenzy, so it's better for all if I just
> wait them out. Like all trolls they will be gone eventually. )
> Steve
> "PhotoEnvisions" Freelance Photography
> Chiang Mai, Thailand
> Six years, five months, three weeks, four days, 11 hours, 50 minutes and
> 41 seconds. 71114 cigarettes not smoked, saving $19,556.57. Time used
> for a better purpose: 35 weeks, 1 day, 22 hours, 10 minutes.

Shame that they feel the need to act so infantile Steve. Good to see
that you're still kickin'


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