Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> Boy, this is a Valentine's Day to remember!
> We sat together and watched a re-run of one of the CSI shows.
> We sat together and watched 24.
> Crash retired to the basement to watch wrestling.
> I came to my computer room to watch Medium.
> I was tired, so Crash told me to take a nap.
> Two hours later, I got out of bed just as he was coming upstairs to
> go to sleep.
> Soooooo ... we decided to have our Valentine's Day dinner.
> Opened the chicken kiev and was almost knocked over by the stench. It
> seems I overestimated how long it would need to thaw.
> Fortunately, we had a couple fresh steaks (NY Strip, I think).
> A few minutes after the smoke alarm went off, the steaks were done.
> We ate the steaks, which were wonderful. Gotta get more of them
> sometime. Crash went to bed.
> I'm sitting here on the computer, waiting to get tired enough to go
> to bed again.
> Ain't romance grand?
> Carol
Sounds about as good as mine, Carol.. After swaying back and forth on what
to make on a limited budget, I realized we had grilled shark already, so
fine, shark tacos it is. TFM finally came home from work (in a foul mood,
no less - tough day) and I proceeded to chop the ingredients. Well, lucky
for him his new processor and motherboard arrived, so he promptly installed
the processor on this machine and said, Happy Valentines day.........You can
have my old processor and here's a new motherboard. You just need RAM, a
hard drive, a case, a power supply, a video card, a wireless card, a
monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. Gee, thanks, I think.
So, I cook dinner, he's busy testing his damn video games with his new
processor. All I hear is loud rap music as he's testing. I tell him dinner
is done. Still more rap music.
I wait about 15 minutes more. Still more video games.
I pout, I slam the bedroom door and I try to read, but can not for the
shaking of the damn house from his video games.
We argue, we finally eat, he's happy, his mouth is on fire from habeneros
and jalepenos and he proceeds to fall asleep in front of the computer,
spilling a full beer in his hand which I have to clean up.
Happy Valentine's Day.