> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>Katra >, if that's their real name,
> wrote:
>>>I visit McDonalds _maybe_ once per year at most for chicken nuggets
> when
>>>I'm in a hurry for a low-carb meal, and I peel all the breading off
> of
>>>them. <sigh>
>>They've got good salads, too. And they'll leave the buns off of
> their
>>burgers if you request it.
> Watch "Supersize Me." Some of their new salads have more calories and
> fat than their Big Macs, as I recall. Which is not to say I don't eat
> McD's at all...maybe a couple times a year, if I'm in my car, I'm
> hungry, and I have some cash. ;-)
> N.
I really like McD's ice cream cones when I'm driving cross-country.
IIRC they are low-fat, and the ice cream is better than Dairy Queen's
and it's cheaper.
The chicken fajitas are pretty good too, but they are not always available.