"Doug Ventura" > wrote in message
> When I was younger, I spent a bit of time in Scotland, since my Mom came
> from a small town north of Glasgow called Renton. While travelling
> through
> Argyll, I recall these huge mussell-like bivalves the locals called
> "Clabby
> Do's." My recollection is that they were the size of your forearm, or a
> big
> fist at least. Anyone ever had these? Wonder why they never show up in
> the
> Foodies media?
> Also, I looking for a recipe for Scotch Pies...basically round meat pies
> with a hole in the middle of the top crust. Eaten with Worcestershire
> sauce. I tried a few from the net.....but they haven't been the real
> deal.
Scotch pies are mutton and very peppery