Katra wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "Pierre" > wrote:
> > Layed my hands on 22 pounds of chicken feet to make some lovely
> > gelatinous stock.
> >
> > I've got a 20 quart stock pot, and would like to come away with
about 2
> > gallons of good rich stock. I'll be roasting the feet first, for
> > extra flavor. . .does anyone know about how many feet to use?
> >
> > Pierre
> >
> I'd not roast them... It'll dry them out too much.
> I personally like to use about 20 feet per gallon.
Hmm, that seems like a lotta feet, yards of em. My grandmothger would
add the feet to her chicken stock. She'd use a whole stewing fowl, it
only had two feet. I can't imagine making stock from jsut feet. What
is the equivalent in emu feet? Not that I know of any emus around
here, just curious... I wonder how emu stock would compare.