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Dieter Zakas
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In article , Peter Aitken at
wrote on 1/30/05 12:04:

> > wrote in message
> ...
>> I watched in horror Rachel Ray's $40 A Day show in my hometown of Chapel
>> Hill, NC.

> <snipped>
> That *was* a lame show. I live in CHapel Hill too, so I know 2 of the 3
> places she visited.
> 1) Mama Dips. Among the worst food in creation and, based on my one visit
> there, the surest way to get violent diarrhea. Overcooked, greasy,
> unattractive slop.
> 2) Elmo's Diner. Has managed to bring diner food to new levels of
> mediocrity.


By item #2, are you saying that diner food in general is bad?

I'm not trying to be confrontational, but get clarification. See, I live in
New Jersey, the de facto diner capital, and it's rare one will find a diner
with bad food - those that offer such, quickly go out of business. By and
large, diner food tends to be pretty good and reasonably priced. Granted,
most diner preparations may not win awards, but they will satisfy one's
hunger, and you won't go broke doing it.

Dieter Zakas