On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 07:07:00 -0500, biig > wrote:
> I made some savoury muffins this afternoon (no sugar) I put in some
>chopped bell pepper and crumbled bacon. The batter puffed up as I mixed
>it, but it didn't raise while they baked. The texture was more like an
>english muffin without the big holes. What did I do wrong? They did
>the same thing last time I made them, but I blamed it on my baking
>powder, which I threw out and bought new for this batch.....Thanks for
>any help.....Sharon
When you say it 'puffed up' do you mean that there was a fizzing sound
and the baking powder was activated? Because if that's what happened
then all the raising power that was supposed to make the muffins come
out nice and fluffy was used up before they even went into the oven.
The chemical reaction came too early. I've had it happen a time or two
when making chocolate cake with melted chocolate, but I'm not a
chemist so I don't know exactly what caused it. Sounds like you need a
different raising agent, or to add it at a different stage in
~Karen aka Kajikit
Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
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