Jimmy Reid wrote:
> Whats the big deal with Valentines anyway? Is this the only day to
> celebrate love? There is too much pressure and hype put into this one
> day. What about yesterday or tomorrow, was your love for each other
> than it is today? Do you really have to have candles, special
> roses, candy, sexy lingerie, to express your love for each
> on people---surley you relationships are not that shallow. If they
> both of you are fooling each other and you both are just wasting your
> time---
I need to write in order to defend shallow relationships which the
above post viciously attacks. I truly beleive that shallow
relationships which only focus on good food, good sex and general good
time have their place in society. It is true that there are more
complex and deep relationships that focus on important things such as
shared TV shows, shared diets, shared credit card bills and shared
gossip about the neighbours BUT... even those once upon a time were
shallow and all about food and sex. So you can be deep and arrange for
a very non-special time with your wife consisting of:
1. Washing the dishes
2. Paying the bills
3. Discussing neighbours on the left
4. Discussing neighbours on the right
5. Eating something out of the freezer
6. Wearing absolutely non-sexy lingerie
7. Using 80 Watt light bulbs instead of candles
I however would rather be as shallow as I can be and be shallow as many
times as I can for one night.