"pennyaline" <nsmitchell@spamspamspamspamspamspamspameggandspam .com> wrote
in message ...
> Frankly, I think that everyone should eat on the couch or standing at the
> sink once in a while. However, the BF Contessa doesn't have that going for
> her. She's going for picture perfect, and I don't think she's kidding.
> I've
> dealt with mental patients like her. Everything about her looks like it's
> kept roped off. Those shingles wouldn't dare mildew, would they! Fix that
> closed circuit TV on the manicured kitchen garden -- keep your eyes on the
> giant green hydrangeas or else!! Call in those fake-baked stringy old
> friends who dress like they're in their twenties and have sweaters tied
> around their necks, and get them to set the table... get them to build the
> table! And get that picnic stuff down to the beach! I made the tablecloth
> and napkins myself. And finish the landscaping, it's almost time to eat!
> Ha
> ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm a caterer, a cook and a party
> giver. I made it myself, can you believe it? How simple is that? See these
> green plates and the silverware in my hands? I brought you green plates
> and
> silverware. Tell me again and again how much you like me. Ha ha ha ha. Ha
> ha
> ha ha ha. Jeffrey, where are you? Jeffrey?? The pancakes are ready. I made
> them myself. How hard can that be? I think it's so important to have
> chocolate in chocolate brownies. Okay everybody, dig in while I recount
> every ingredient. I made it myself, it's really easy. Jeffrey, I made
> strawberry jam for your breakfast. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ask me if I made it
> myself. Yes, I did! Ha ha ha ha. So easy. Just strawberries and sugar. How
> delicious is that? Ha ha ha ha, you have to love me now. Jeffrey?
> Jeffrey...
> Jeffrey's coming back soon. He said he'll come back soon...
> <"Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" or "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte"?>
Your anger at this person or even persons that are nothing to you takes my
breath away. These are people with human weaknesses just like everyone
else. So the Contessa is insecure and needs to seek approval all the time,
so what? In what capacity do you deal with mental patients?