Thread: tough muffins
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Maybe add the wet before I put in the baking powder????

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 07:07:00 -0500, biig > wrote:
> > I made some savoury muffins this afternoon (no sugar) I put in some
> >chopped bell pepper and crumbled bacon. The batter puffed up as I mixed
> >it, but it didn't raise while they baked. The texture was more like an
> >english muffin without the big holes. What did I do wrong? They did
> >the same thing last time I made them, but I blamed it on my baking
> >powder, which I threw out and bought new for this batch.....Thanks for
> >any help.....Sharon

> When you say it 'puffed up' do you mean that there was a fizzing sound
> and the baking powder was activated? Because if that's what happened
> then all the raising power that was supposed to make the muffins come
> out nice and fluffy was used up before they even went into the oven.
> The chemical reaction came too early. I've had it happen a time or two
> when making chocolate cake with melted chocolate, but I'm not a
> chemist so I don't know exactly what caused it. Sounds like you need a
> different raising agent, or to add it at a different stage in
> proceedings.
> ~Karen aka Kajikit
> Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
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