Microwave Vs Steaming Vs Boiling
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>Jonny > wrote:
>>What are your opinions on microwaving, steaming or boiling vegetables?
>>I am thinking about the nutritional values left and that different
>>veggies react in different ways to the above processes.
>I use the microwave for most of my cooking. With few exception all
>veggies are microwaved. I have two cookers that in effect steam them
>as they cook. Both are the same except for size. Outside container,
>with an inner basket. Put water in the bottom, add flavor, such as
>lemon juice, spice, etc. Microwave for 4.5 to 5 minutes. They can be
>as crisp as you like. My feeling is that there is no significant loss
>of food value. Energy use is very low.
My mistake years ago was to think of microwaves as something only
useful for families. When I finally bought one (about 15 years ago)
it was for making "coffee on milk". Once I had it, I looked into
energy use a bit more and ISTM that if, for example, you're cooking
spuds for 3 or 4 people, you may as well boil them. But if you're
cooking for just "me" then the microwave is the way to go.
>Using a microwave browning dish I also do ribs, hamburgers, steaks,
I went a bought a browning dish, then thought about it after I read
the instructions! ISTM it's going to cause a fair bit of splatter,
and that sort of defeats one of the main advantages of a microwave --
virtually gunk-free cooking if you do things right! :-) My browning
dish is still here in its virginal state.
>chops, etc. even meatloaf. in the microwave. For a great meatloaf mix
>the ingredients just as you would normally. Then form the meat in a
>square on the browning plate. For one pound of ground I cook for 10
>I think microwave units are way under used. It does take a learning
>curve to get the hang of it but it should be short. Try it.
Cheers, Phred.
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