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"Jonny" > wrote in message
> What are your opinions on microwaving, steaming or boiling vegetables?
> I am thinking about the nutritional values left and that different
> veggies react in different ways to the above processes.
> For example, I can microwave carrots in a minute or so, but it takes a
> long time to steam them. What is the difference nutritionally?
> I am also aware that my cooker is on for ages in order to steam them
> and is so using lots of electricity (but that argument is for another
> forum).
> regards
> Jonny

Boiling - cooking from the outside with water has a tendency to rub flavor
and color from vegetables.
Steaming - will reduce the loss of color and flavor
Microwaving - essentially steams the vegetables by turning the internal
moisture hot and ultimately steam. Over zapping will ruin (dry) the

It is important to remember with all 3 methods the cooking does not stop
until the temperature is reduced. Keep in mind the heat or cool does in fact

One other method if you have time is to Blanch and shock. Simply put the
vegetables in boiling salted water for a very few minutes then move the
vegetables into Ice water to stop the cooking - this process locks in the
color and IMHO preserves flavor. When ready to serve drop them into a sauté
pan with a pat of butter to reheat. After you play with it for a while
you'll have nice crisp vegetables.
