Thread: dinner
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"Dog3" > wrote in message
> "MareCat" > wrote in
> :
> >
> > Absolutely gorgeous day here today. Sunny and in the low-80's. Took
> > the small child to the park for a couple of hours, then came home and
> > started making Guinness stew for dinner (probably a better day for
> > grilling than stewing, but last week hubby requested that I make the
> > stew for V-day dinner, and I aim to please, so...). Three hours later,
> > it was done. Served it in bread bowls. Mmmmm...
> >
> > Mary
> >
> >

> MMM... Guiness stew. When you get time, will you post your recipe or send
> it to me in email at dog30 at charter dot net? Thanks.

Sure, Michael. I pretty much just make a standard beef stew and put Guinness
in it as part of the stewing liquid. I start by sauteeing a couple of sliced
onions in a few tablespoons of butter until soft. Then I add 2-3 lbs. of
stew meat and brown (I sometimes do this in a separate pan and then add to
the onions--more surface area for the meat). Add a tablespoon or so of flour
and 1/2 tsp. each of marjoram, thyme, and s/p, plus a cup each of beef broth
and Guinness. Let simmer for about three hours, adding more broth and
Guinness as needed. Add veggies (I add mushrooms and carrots) the last half
hour or so of simmering time.

I use frozen bread dough to make the bread bowls. One loaf usually yields
three bowls.
