In article > ,
"Peter Aitken" > wrote:
> "Katra" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article .com>,
> > "aem" > wrote:
> >
> >> Charles Gifford wrote:
> >> >
> >> > The study does not say "no". Also it is from the same people who
> >> still hunt
> >> > whales for food.
> >> >
> >> > Charlie
> >>
> >> Yes, they are allowed a quota of 500 minke whales per year. The
> >> population of these whales is estimated at in excess of 100,000. Since
> >> they are not endangered or threatened, how does eating a sea mammal
> >> differ from eating a land mammal?
> >>
> >> -aem
> >>
> >
> > Sea mammals are sentient.
> >
> > It's tantamount to cannabalism.......
> >
> > Just MHO.
> Cannabalism is defined as eating one's own species.
Considering the tiny difference in genetics, you are... ;-)
Besides, if you read the above, I said it was "Tantamount" to
cannabalism, not that it actually was!
It just means that there is not a lof of difference between cannabalism
and consuming a sentient, intelligent being. Kinda like eating a space
alien. ;-)
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra