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Doug Freyburger
Posts: n/a

Katra wrote:
> aem wrote:
> > Katra wrote:
> > > aem wrote:

> > > > how does eating a sea mammal
> > > > differ from eating a land mammal?

> > > Sea mammals are sentient.
> > > It's tantamount to cannabalism.......
> > > Just MHO.

> > You are entitled to your opinion, and it is shared by many others.

> > don't agree with it, but that's just MHO. Land mammals are

> > too.

> The only land mammals that are sentient AFAIK are primates.

"Sentient" is poorly defined and/or very-poorly measured. What
is a thinking being to one person is a steak in the wild to
another person. There is no realistic way to tell and it
appears to be very much a sliding scale. Where's the line
drawn? Everyone needs to draw the line on their own. Some
will draw it with only humans above the line, some will have
porpoises above the line whales below the line, some will have
all cetaceans above the line.

So what about seals and sealions? Are they above or below the
line for you? For me they are below the line but there's also
the issue that seal meat is rarely found where I live so it
doesn't effect me accept in an academic discussion.

The stance taken by some PETA extremists is inconsistant in
that they must draw the line as well and just why are bugs
thinking and trees not thinking ...