Cauliflower Soup
Hi there, boys and girls! It's time for *my* favourite show ... "Cooking
With Tess"! And today's subject is Cauliflower Soup : )
I used to make this all the time, but for some reason that I can't remember,
I stopped some several years ago. I know it isn't complicated.
Granted, there are about a bazillion recipes out there on Ye Olde Webbe, but
I was hoping that you all would post *your* favourite recipes, so I can make
it really spectacular.
Only thing is, I am having to yes, used frozen cauliflower, but I think
it'll be okay. I thought I'd have with that, let's see ... toasted
bruschetta with melted cheese, and a cheery cherry salad? So how's about it?
Beautiful cauliflower soup?
Thanks bunches : )
- Tess