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Tess wrote:
> Okay, my turn ... Oh, this is going to get me SO flamed, I'm sure : )
> Buttermilk. I drink it like a beverage.

Um, buttermilk IS a beverage.

> Three or four glasses a day. The full-fat kind. How
> much do I weigh? 102, but man, I gotta do a LOT of sit-ups!

What do you mean by "full-fat kind"?

I like buttermilk too... but it's not very fattening, no more than
nonfat/lowfat milk. Buttermilk of times past was the liquid left after
butter was churned, contained virtually no fat other than a few tiny
yellow flecks of butter. Today it is made commercially by adding
special bacteria to nonfat or lowfat milk, giving it a slightly
thickened texture and tangy flavor. No one gets fat from drinking
buttermilk, in fact it's a great appetite supressor that aids in
dieting for weight loss.