"Sheldon" > wrote in message
> Tess wrote:
>> Okay, my turn ... Oh, this is going to get me SO flamed, I'm sure : )
>> Buttermilk. I drink it like a beverage.
> Um, buttermilk IS a beverage.
>> Three or four glasses a day. The full-fat kind. How
>> much do I weigh? 102, but man, I gotta do a LOT of sit-ups!
> What do you mean by "full-fat kind"?
> I like buttermilk too... but it's not very fattening, no more than
> nonfat/lowfat milk. Buttermilk of times past was the liquid left after
> butter was churned, contained virtually no fat other than a few tiny
> yellow flecks of butter. Today it is made commercially by adding
> special bacteria to nonfat or lowfat milk, giving it a slightly
> thickened texture and tangy flavor. No one gets fat from drinking
> buttermilk, in fact it's a great appetite supressor that aids in
> dieting for weight loss.
As opposed to ... what do they call it? 2% butterfat, or lowfat, something
like that. The best kinds *do* have little butter flecks, and mmmmm, it's
good : ) The *very* best comes from Crystal River, Florida, and I always
take an extra cooler, just for bringing some back.
As to how it's made - I *know* how to make it at home. Saves a lot of money,
and it's delicious. You have to have some "store bought" to begin with, for
the culture. Would anybody be interested in the directions?
We have a little Mom and Pop dairy here, and their buttermilk is just - just
outstanding. I start off with a quart of it, and can keep making my own from
it almost all summer.
Most people think I'm perverted, weird, and just downright gross : ) If you
think about it, it's not far off from yoghurt at all. I also make a lovely
potato and buttermilk soup - I think it's Polish.
Your tangy, salty friend,
- Tess : )