"Gregory Morrow"
<gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart hlink.net> wrote in
message ink.net...
> Tess wrote:
>> Okay, my turn ... Oh, this is going to get me SO flamed, I'm sure : )
>> Buttermilk. I drink it like a beverage. In fact, I'm a real buttermilk
>> afficiando, and know where to get the tastiest kinds. Three or four
> glasses
>> a day. The full-fat kind. And I salt it like salt is going out of style.
> How
>> much do I weigh? 102, but man, I gotta do a LOT of sit-ups!
> IIRC buttermilk has less fat than even skim milk...it's a very healthy
> habit
> you've got there.
> --
> Best
> Greg
Hahaha! Well, I'm not the least bit worried about my calcium intake, and
it's good for certain ... um ... female malfunctions, too.
Best back,
- Tess