In article >,
(Dan Abel) wrote:
> In article >, Ranee
> Mueller > wrote:
> > I'm sorry, if someone doesn't know enough to decline when another
> > person offers them something to which they are allergic, their death is
> > a suicide.
> It seems pretty clear that someone who has a reaction to ginger shouldn't
> consume ginger ale, or ginger chicken, or anything with ginger in the
> name. Some things aren't so obvious, though. There was a tragic case
> some time back, where a restaurant sold chili with a secret ingredient in
> it. Somebody found out the secret ingredient the hard way, by dying from
> it. It was peanut butter. Most people wouldn't expect to find peanut
> butter in their chili.
This is true, but has absolutely nothing to do with the situation
presented. Offer someone ginger ale, the someone is allergic, but
drinks it without question anyway, and dies/is hospitalized. I'm sorry,
that wouldn't be the server's head, it would be on the one who took it
without bothering to ask if it had ginger in it, even though the name
says it does.
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