All can recipies?
Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
>Michael Horowitz > wrote:
>>Is anyone aware of a site describing meals prepared entirely from
>>I have a lot of recipies which start of "brown some meat"; that's not
>>what I'm looking for. More like "open Can A and combine with Can B".
>Pretend the foam tray with plastic wrap is a "can" of raw meat.
>Then follow remaining instructions.
> --Blair
> "Don't come crying to me when
> it turns out great."
Hello Blair - what I didn't describe was the backround for this
question. I'm waiting for a winter storm to knock the power out for
two weeks and I'm planning on not having power . I can eat out of the
freezer, but after a week I"m pretty sure it's assumed ambient
temperture, hence requirement for an 'all canned' menu' - Mike