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Gregory Morrow
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Dog3 wrote:

> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart> wrote in
> >
> > Dog3 wrote:
> >
> >> Very interesting read Leila. Thanks for posting the link. The recipes
> >> to the right of the article are also interesting. I liked the pepper
> >> fried rice and the penne. The other 2 were great also.

> >
> >
> > The penne recipe I've been making for years, it's supreeeemely easy
> > and quick (like me!), "fancy" enough to serve to company. Add some
> > red pepper flakes for spice (and color) if you so desire...

> Oh stop. Dams is the ng trollop :-)

I think we need a Male Division :--p

> > Another quick dish using frozen green beans is to stir fry them with
> > some ground pork. Add soy sauce, ginger, garlic, fish sauce, chili
> > oil, sesame oil, whatever. Garnish with sesame seeds Served over
> > rice it's quite tasty. Shrimp also work well with this, as does diced
> > chicken...

> This sounds really good. I wonder if peanut oil would be good. Just
> speculating.

Sure. In any case sesame oil is just a flavoring agent, not a cooking oil
per se. A few dabs of chili oil goes a LONG way, just add it to the peanut
or whatever oil...

> > I've been using a lot of frozen veg this winter, they are on sale
> > often. My freezer is fairly full of them in fact. I like the little
> > frozen whole onions, it beats the tedium of dealing with the fresh
> > ones...
> >
> > Like the article sez, there is no diff between say Bird's Eye and
> > store brand frozen vegetables. My store often has them on sale for
> > the same price. You will however pay a lot more for the fancy "side
> > dish" types of things with butter sauce, etc....

> My freezer is stuffed. I've got steaks, ground meat and all kinds of
> veggies. I've also got Marie Callander's pot pies. Maybe 20 of them. The
> big ones. They are good in a pinch and especially if you are sick.

I got Stouffer's mac 'n cheeze for 99 cents last nite for a friend last nite
(our grocery store is adjacent to our local groggery - how conveeeeenient!),
I picked up a few for myself. I've not tried any of their stuff before but
at that price...

I've still got diced red and green bell peppers from the autumn farmer's
market in the freezer...I should really use those soon.
