"Gal Called J.J." > wrote in message
> My local Fred Meyer (I live in Western Washington State) has
> frying chickens for a mere 59 cents per pound today, so I bought
> three. Two will be cut up and fried, but I tried something new with
> the last one. I put it in a covered roasting pan, and stuffed it with
> a chunk of onion and half of a lemon. Then I mixed 2 T. butter with
> garlic, sage, rosemary, thyme, salt, black pepper, and white pepper,
> then rubbed that under and over the skin, and sprinkled a little
> more lemon juice over it. I'm going to bake it for an hour or so
> at 350 F. We'll see how it turns out -- I don't usually cook without
> a recipe...
> --
> J.J.
It will torn out GREAT!
Don't pull a Dimitri - jot down what you did just in case.....