americans have been eating mad cows for years...
On Sat, 03 Jan 2004 00:28:18 -0700, Little John
> wrote:
>On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 09:38:28 -0700, in a fit of unbridled digital verbosity,
>once again proving the problem is located between the seat and the keyboard,
>Bill Funk > two-fingered to all:
>|>On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 13:55:27 -0700, Little John
> wrote:
>|>>|>>So, you saw that comedy tour too, huh? :-)
>|>>|>It's in my computer.
>|>>|>"If one engine fails, how far will it take us?"
>|>>"I don't know why the captain used the PA system. He could have just turned
>"I'd like to leave a wake-up call for 7."
"They accused her of stealing a duck call and some stink bait!"
There's just too much funny stuff there.
Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"