Thread: Bad News
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Tony P.
Posts: n/a

In article t>,
> Tony P. wrote:
> > I'm watching everything going on with NNTP/Usenet access and can
> > honestly say that I think it's a dying forum.
> >
> > Blogs have pretty much killed it.

> But binaries are apparently thriving...
> Blog frankly bore me, there is no interaction. I can go to a bar and listen
> to some drunk drone on, it's about the same thing...

Not nearly as many as are traded via IRC on a regular basis.

Even IRC seems to have died a horrible death. If it isn't overrun by
binaries, it's filled with bots of various types, trivia being the

I can remember my first exposure to 'IRC', which at the time was BitNet
chat back in the late 80's. I made a lot of good real-life friends via
it. But now things being what they are, I hardly use IRC.