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David D.
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Default Darker chocolate bar


Thanks for your detailed response. I will certainly avail myself of

I did glance at their website, and they do not appear to carry Hachez
chocolate. Do you know of anyone in the USA who does carry it? (I found in a Google search, but judging by their heavy shipping
charges, I assume that they are not USA based.

Below is a reposting about a truly unique, delicious Hachez chocolate

Someone brought me an exquisitely delicious dark chocolate bar from their
trip to Germany.

It is 77% cacao, and is made with pepper and strawberries. The pepper is
quite subtle, and it brings out the sweetness of the strawberries, which, in
turn, complements the bitterness of the chocolate.

The name of the bar is "Hachez Cocoa D'Arriba - Erdbeer mit Pfeffer".
Ingredients a cocao mass, cocao butter, sugar, strawberries (1.5%),
natural flavorings, green pepper, Bourbon vanilla.

- David