I'm trying to assume you are serious but if you are its just an outright
stupid idea.
1. The Just Say No To Drugs tag line was part of a professional advertising
campaign meaning it would be legally owned and copyrighted. Your slogan is
obviously a take off on the same theme and because of that you risk stirring
up the people that do own it and possibly being sued.
2. Just Say No To Drugs worked as a slogan because kids were being asked to
try drugs. No one in the World Trade Center was asked to accept Bin Laden or
anything else. No one said yes to Bin Laden. The slogan just doesn't work
for this instance.
3. Everyone knows there was a huge survivors fund for families of trade
center victims.
4. You do not say how much will be given from each purchase, to whom it will
be given, the name of the husband and why the wife needs more than was given
from the survivors fund.
5. The NY Police issued warnings a long time ago to be skeptical of requests
like this.
> wrote in message
> Hi all I am helping a friend promote a web site. You see a childhood
> friend of hers lost her husband at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11,
> 2001. She has run into some hard times and my freind wants to help her.
> So she came up with the idea to market Just say NO to Bin Ladin
> dartboards and punching bag covers. Not only is she going to donate
> part of the proceeds to her freind but an additional part of the
> proceeds will go to the Firemans Fund. If you could take the time to
> check out the web site it would sure be appreciated! The web site addy
> is:
> http://www.angelonmyshoulder.4t.com
> Thanks so much everyone!!